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BabyDash is a dashboard app to deliver NICU information to parents 


Problems in the NICU

Parents in the NICU heavily rely on information relayed from clinicians. Such information may contain medical jargon that is not understandable without parents doing their own research. In addition, parents may not be present at all times in the NICU. As a result, a void in understanding forms for parents to learn about the condition of their baby and plans of action to take.


Parents are NOT doctors and cannot understand medical jargon


Parents cannot always know their baby's status when away from NICU


Parents cannot link how medical updates impact their lives

Doctor Operating CT Scanner
Busy Office
Mother Holding Baby

Introducing BabyDash

BabyDash leverages the convenience of smartphones to keep parents up to date and educated on the condition of their baby


Receive status of baby in NICU in real-time through video monitoring and vital reportings 


Get up to speed with updates from clinicians through guided visual glossaries and electronic brochures

Easy to access

Gain a transparent view of what is going on in the NICU from the comfort of a smartphone


Features of BabyDash

Through six main features, BabyDash addresses the main problems parents face during their NICU visit

AngelEye Live Camera Feed

BabyDash incorporates AngelEye to provide real-time video footage of infant incubator in the NICU room. Parents can rewind footage and record clips of interest. They have the option to share the clips with doctors and/or loved ones. For parents who cannot continuously stay in the NICU, this feature informs them of exactly what is going on in the NICU at any given time.



Q: Why BabyDash?

Parents in the NICU face difficulties when learning about their baby's condition from clinicians as the information transmitted often is inaccessible immediately and lacks context in which parents can easily understand what is going on.

Through BabyDash, parents can view real-time information regarding their baby from their smartphone, while also being able to educate themselves on what is going on through visuals and brochures.

Q: Are graphs and vitals in real-time?

The graphs and vitals are displayed in real-time if the vitals are constantly being monitored. If not, they will be uploaded to BabyDash when a clinician checks a certain vital. Regardless, all vitals will be uploaded along with notes that the clinician provides to explain each vital.

Q: What is the value of logging into the diary?

As one of the main problems parents face is a disconnect with what is going on in the NICU, the diary will enable parents to maintain a personalized account of their experience, allowing them to relate better during their time at the NICU.

Q: Can I message my baby's doctor?

No, you cannot message the doctor directly. However, the E-Brochure feature contains contact info of the clinicians and you can share questions and AngelEye recordings with the doctor through BabyDash.

Q: WIll BabyDash reduce time in the NICU?

BabyDash does not intend to reduce your baby's stay in the NICU. Rather it provides a means of staying updated with what is going on.

Q: What makes BabyDash better than what is on the market?

Providing real-time updates on your baby through AngelEye and vital measurements are things that current solutions are not capable of providing. Current solutions also bombard their patient medical information with medical jargon that is incomprehensible to most parents. BabyDash mitigates this issue in a learner-friendly manner with use of guides and clinician support. Lastly, the objective, purely technical dashboards currently in use do not provide insights into how the NICU stay affects your everyday life. BabyDash provides scheduling to allow you to see how your daily routine will be while helping your baby recover. All in all, BabyDash brings the NICU to your smartphone.

Contact us


BS, Computer Science

UC San Diego

Roshan Fernando


MS, Computer Science

UC San Diego

Shreeman Hariharan

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